We are dedicated to supporting activities in alignment with our company purpose of driving change to defeat diabetes and other serious conditions. Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. is socially responsible. We give contributions or financial/non-financial support to organizations in support of healthcare, medical education, or other social impact initiatives that benefit patients, people and communities or the environment in line with our Triple Bottom Line business principle, thereby supporting Novo Nordisk’s long-term interests. We are committed to supporting causes in the therapeutic areas in which we operate – diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, liver health, neurologic health (i.e., Alzheimer’s disease), and rare diseases.

If your organization has a request for a grant or donation that falls within these therapeutic areas and criteria, we invite you to apply through our online system below.

At Novo Nordisk Canada Inc., we now have two categories for grants and donations:

  • Independent medical education (IME)/continuing medical education (CME) for HCPs - (accredited/unaccredited or synchronous/asynchronous programs)
  • Medical education meetings, conferences, and other scientific seminars/events/activities
  • Rounds and journal clubs (held in a hospital, clinic or academic institution)
  • Educational initiatives from professional associations/organizations
  • Non-event/activity-based HCP tools and resources to improve healthcare practice in Canada
  • Fellowships to an academic or training institution with independent selection process to identify the individual fellows (e.g. scholarship)

There are three submission deadlines annually for Medical Grants:

1. February 28th  

2. June 30th

3. October 31st  

Applications are processed and adjudicated within 4-6weeks of the respective submission deadline.

Apply here

  • Patient or community education / tools / resources 
  • Patient conferences / events / camps
  • Scholarships / bursaries
  • Community donations
  • Product donations: donation of medicinal products, durable devices and needles for charitable or other philanthropic or non-commercial purposes (e.g., product donations for camps).

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Note that applications submitted after October 31st may be processed in the new year.

Please apply 10-12 weeks in advance of your event or program.

Apply here

  • Recipients owned or controlled by individual HCPs /stakeholders or their family member, legal representative, or agent
  • Requests from individuals – e.g., HCPs, patients, political party officials, candidates for political office
  • Political organizations
  • Religious organizations limiting service to their own members
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Social activities (e.g. galas, dinners)
  • Gifts
  • Purchase of medical equipment
  • Grant requests which include operational, capital, lease or salary expenses (including medical equipment and office equipment)

Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. only provides grants and donations for local, regional or national initiatives to organizations based in Canada.

If your application benefits an equity-deserving community (i.e. South Asian, Black, Indigenous populations), it will be considered under the Social Impact category.

Before starting your application, please have the following documentation ready:

1. Supporting document for application (e.g., prospectus, event invitation, request-for-support letter etc.)*

2. Detailed budget breakdown itemizing how the requested support will be used (as an attachment in Microsoft Word, Excel or PDF)*

Only requests submitted through the online application process will be considered for funding. Please note that Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. receives many worthwhile requests but cannot accommodate them all. 

For any sponsorship1 requests, please reach out to your local Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. contact.  

A sponsorship is a financial or non-financial contribution:

  • For the purpose of healthcare related education, information, research, scientific exchange, Novo Nordisk corporate branding or product promotion;
  • For a specific activity/project/event;
  • Where Novo Nordisk receives a direct tangible benefit in return; and is provided to an appropriate and reputable recipient, not to an individual.